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- Medical Information for Americans Traveling Abroad
- (Consular Affairs Topics)
- If an American becomes seriously ill or injured abroad, a U. S. consular
- officer, when notified of the problem, can assist in locating appropriate
- medical services and help in informing the next-of-kin, family or friends.
- If necessary, a consular officer can also assist in the transfer
- of funds from the United States, but payment of hospital and other
- expenses is your responsibility.
- Before going abroad, learn what medical services your health insurance
- will cover overseas. If your health insurance policy provides coverage
- outside the United States, REMEMBER to carry both your insurance
- policy identity card as proof of such insurance and a claim form.
- Although many health insurance companies will pay "customary and
- reasonable" hospital costs abroad, very few will pay for your medical
- evacuation back to the United States which can easily cost $5,000
- and up, depending on your location and medical condition.
- The American Association of Retired Persons offers foreign medical
- care coverage at no extra charge with its Medicare supplement plans.
- This coverage is restricted to treatments considered eligilble under
- Medicare. In general, it covers 80% of the "customary and reasonable"
- charges, subject to a $50 deductible for the covered care during
- the first 60 days. There is a ceiling of $25,000 per trip. This
- is a reimbursement plan so you must pay the bills first and obtain
- receipts for submission to the plan.
- To facilitate identification in case of an accident, complete the
- information page on the inside of your passport providing the name,
- address and telephone number of someone to be contacted in an emergency.
- The name given should not be the same as your traveling companions
- in case the entire party is involved in the same accident.
- Travelers going abroad with any preexisting medical problems should
- carry a letter from their attending physician. The letter should
- describe their condition and include information on any prescription
- medications, including the generic name of any prescribed drugs,
- that they need to take. Any medications being carried overseas should
- be left in their original containers and be clearly labeled. Travelers
- should check with the foreign embassy of the country they are visiting
- to make sure any required medications are not considered to be illegal
- narcotics.
- A listing of addresses and telephone numbers of U.S. embassies and
- consulates abroad is contained in "Key Officers of Foreign Service
- Posts." This booklet may be obtained through the Superintendent
- of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402,
- for $1.75 (Publication No. 7877). An annual global rundown of disease
- and immunization advice and other health guidance, including risks
- in particular countries, by the Centers for Disease Control may also
- be obtained from the Government Printing Office in "Health Information
- for International Travelers" (Publication No. HHS-CDC 90-8280, $5.00
- ). The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta also maintains a travelers
- hotline that can be reached by calling 404-332-4559.
- For detailed information on physicians abroad, the authoritative
- reference is the "Directory of Medical Specialists" published for
- the American Board of Medical Specialists and its 22 certifying member
- boards. This publication should be available in your local library.
- If abroad, a list of hospitals and physicians can be obtained from
- the nearest American embassy or consulate.
- A number of countries require foreign visitors to be tested for the
- AIDS virus as a requirement for entry. This applies mostly to those
- planning to reside overseas. Before traveling, check the latest
- entry requirements with the foreign embassy of the country to be
- visited. A listing of "Foreign Entry Requirements" is available
- for 50 cents from the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO 81009.
- The Citizens Emergency Center maintains a travel notice on HIV/AIDS
- entry requirements. Call 202-647-5225 to obtain these requirements.
- Several private organizations will provide medical information and
- insurance for overseas travelers. The following is provided FOR
- INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and in no way constitutes an endorsement,
- expressed or implied, by the Department of State:
- BOOKS: How to Stay Healthy Abroad, Dr. Richard Dawood, Penguin
- U.S.A., P.O. Box 999, Bergenfield, NJ 07621
- How To Stay Healthy While Traveling: A Guide For Today's World
- Traveler by Bob Young, M.D., Box 567, Dept. 2, Santa Barbara, CA 93102
- DIABETES TRAVEL SERVICES, INC., 39 East 52nd Street, New York, NY
- 10022 - Worldwide information on diabetic treatments and physicians.
- American Express Office. Available to American Express CARDHOLDERS ONLY:
- 1) A directory of "U.S. Certified Doctors Abroad" (Price: $3.00)
- 2) A health insurance plan is available through the Firemens Fund
- Life Insurance Company, 1600 Los Gamos Rd., San Raphael, CA 94911,
- Attention: American Express Card Service.
- IAMAT, 736 Center Street, Lewiston, NY 14092 Phone 716-754-4883
- International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers: A
- medical directory, clinical record, and a malaria risk chart are
- sent without charge; however, a contribution is requested for World
- Climate Charts.
- IMMUNIZATION ALERT, P.O. Box 406, Storrs, CT 06268 Phone 203-487-0611
- For $25 a traveler is provided with an up-to-date, detailed and personalized
- health report on up to 6 countries to be visited. It will tell you
- what diseases are prevalent and what precautions are recommended or advisable.
- AERO AMBULANCE INTERNATIONAL Executive Airport Philadelphia, PA Ft.
- Lauderdale, FL San Juan, Puerto Rico 305-776-6800 800-443-8042 (U.S.,
- Canada & Caribbean) Service Area: Worldwide
- AIR AMBULANCE NETWORK Miami, FL 305-447-0458
- AIR AMBULANCE OF AMERICA Chicago, IL 800-321-4444
- NATIONAL AIR AMBULANCE Ft. Lauderdale, FL 305-525-5538 Service Area:
- Caribbean & Central America
- AIR MEDIC Pittsburgh, PA 800-423-2667 Service Area: Canada & Caribbean
- ALPHA AVIATION, INC. Dallas, TX 214-352-4801
- INTERNATIONAL SOS ASSISTANCE Philadelphia, PA 800-523-8930/215-244-1500
- Service Area: Worldwide
- MERCY MEDICAL AIRLIFT Reston, VA 703-361-1191 (Caribbean and Canada
- only. Will meet commercial
- incoming patient flights at JFK International Airport in New York/New
- Jersey area and at Miami International Airport, other airports if necessary.)
- WORLD CARE TRAVEL ASSISTANCE 1150 S. Olive St. Suite T-2233 Los
- Angeles, CA 90015 800-253-1877
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